January 20, 2004

Joel's Intro

Greetings. I'm Joel Garver and look forward to soon joining Margaret in this online Round Table discussion. We welcome comments, but would ask that people briefly introduce themselves as they join in the conversation.

Towards that end, I'm a professor of philosophy at La Salle University in Philadelphia, PA with a particular interest in philosophical theology. My training is primarily in analytic philosophy, with my dissertation concerning epistemology, but I've moved more into continental and medieval philosophy since graduate school.

I was raised and remain within the Reformed tradition, particularly the Presbyterian expression of that (in which my father is a clergyman). I teach, however, in a Roman Catholic environment and have a deep appreciation for both the Anglican and Lutheran traditions. I am married to a magazine editor and have a 17 month old daughter, a dog, and a cat. I enjoy fiction (Bernanos' Diary of a Country Priest ranking highly among my preferences) and love to cook.

Posted by joel garver at January 20, 2004 11:30 AM