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HP HP0-M204P Adam Smith 1723 1790 was not only a master of economics, and is GE0-807 a distinguished ethicist. His life engaged in academic research, leaving two excellent works Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations Study hereinafter referred to as The Wealth of Nations and Theory of Moral Sentiments. He C-TERP10-60 created in The Wealth of Nations in the rich people rich classical economics system, already well known to our ideological and theoretical circles, but HP HP0-M204P PDF he stated in the Theory of Moral Sentiments to citizens happy life as the goal of Ethics, but little attention our ideological and theoretical circles in particular, the relationship between the two works, a long time people were not properly understood. Early in the 19th century Ye Deguo historical school of economists proposed HP HP0-M204P PDF the so called Adam Smith Problem , or Theory of Moral Sentiments and The Wealth of Nations MSC-112 disparity, conflict.

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